If you think plain old numbers are kind of boring, ask your wedding planner about giving your wedding tables distinctive names instead. Borrow an idea that high end hotels have been using for years. By naming their rooms after cities or presidents, they make them sound more attractive and easier to remember. So, grab your wedding planner and get creative with naming and theming your tables!

Benefits of named wedding tables

While this strategy can be adapted to any budget, a little creativity can often save money by suggesting ways to make your wedding more charming and memorable without a big price tag. It costs nothing to name your tables, and it gives you lots of novel decorating options. Your guests may even feel more comfortable. You’ll get rid of any disappointment people may feel about being at a table with a lower number. They’ll all sound good! Guests who don’t know each other will also have something more to talk about.

Picking your wedding table themes

The possibilities are endless. Pick a universal symbol of romance or express an aspect of your personal life. Some couples may go for flowers, poets or romantic movies. Others may want to create mementos of their exotic vacation destinations or favorite pets.

Let the wedding planner decorate your tables

Give your seating chart a unique look and decorate your tables. If you have a floral theme, hang a labeled picture of each flower on a wine bottle at its matching table. For the world-travelling couple, buy a set of plain toy planes and have them engraved with the names of different cities. If you’re working with distinctive shapes like animals, use origami dogs and cats and birds.

Even your table designations should be special on such a joyful occasion that marks the beginning of your new life together. Contact us if you’re planning a wedding in Calgary. We would love to help make your dreams come true!