Earlier this month Robert Vidra was featured in Calgary Herald. For those of you who didn’t have a chance to catch it, here’s a shortened version of the article. We hope you like it and share it with your friends. Let us know in the comments what you think of the declining oil prices and how you plan to tackle it in 2015. Thank you for staying with us!

With global oil prices at their lowest level in years, small businesses are concerned about what a long-term slump could mean for their operations.

According to the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses, 49 per cent of Calgary firms say the health of the oil and gas sector is “very important” to their success….

Robert Vidra, owner of Simply Elegant, a hospitality firm in Calgary, said although he realizes many businesses are feeling the pain these days due to depressed oil prices, he is not concerned right now.

“I think this is a reprieve in some ways for many people. I think it’s temporary,” said Vidra.

“It’s a scary time but I’m very much of an optimist and I look at this as an opportunity for the consumer as well as a lot of downstream organizations … It doesn’t matter what happens. I think you have to take a positive role and look after your business in a really responsible manner. I know some companies are going to be affected dramatically, other companies I think will be able to prosper.”

Original article written by Mario Toneguzzi and published on December 17th, 2014

The whole team at Simply Elegant wishes you, your family and business a great holiday season and a very prosperous 2015. As Robert puts it “It’s a scary time but I’m very much of an optimist and I look at this as an opportunity…”. Happy holidays!